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This Privacy Policy outlines how trendzbazars.com will collect and use your information. Terms of use apply to this privacy policy. Please read the privacy policy carefully. Our websites are designed to make you feel at ease. We want you to feel confident when sharing information with us.

Information that may be collected from You?

trendzbazars.com does not access or store any payment card information (i.e., credit/debit card number, expiration date, CVV, etc.). A secure payment page captures all the necessary transaction details, is encrypted with an industrial-strength cypher, and is sent securely to your card issuer. Our website and traffic patterns are also monitored, which helps us improve our services.

When you use our website, we may automatically access and collect certain anonymous information from you based on "cookies" sent to your browser by our web server and stored on your hard drive. This information may include, but is not limited to:

  • Information that identifies a computer
  • Your computer's IP address
  • Our service is accessed through a domain server
  • The type of computer you're using
  • The type of web browser you're using

When you do business on our website, we may collect the following information about you that can be used to identify you:

  • First and last names
  • Email addresses.
  • Contact details, including phone numbers
  • PIN/ZIP code.
  • Demographics (such as your age, gender, occupation, education, and durables owned)
  • Your opinion on services, products, and features on our websites

The following information may also be collected:

  • The pages you visit/access
  • The links you click on our website
  • The number of times you access the page.
  • Things you look at, put in your bag, or put on your wish list.
  • Other websites you open simultaneously while browsing ours
  • Personal preferences and interests
  • Our websites offer services, products, and features.

If you wish to cancel your account, please send an email to trendzbazars.com with the subject line "Please close my account." Your account will be disabled within 2 working days. The archive on our servers may retain your information after deletion or termination.

How do we collect the information?

You must provide your name, email address, date of birth, gender and other personally identifiable information to give us your contact information. Your contact information is used to bill you and to fill your orders. If your order cannot be processed, we will contact you. At times, we may offer you chat rooms, forums, instant messengers and message boards. You should exercise caution since we have no control over how this information is disclosed. These websites are not owned, managed, or controlled by us, so we have no responsibility for their privacy practices. At times, we may offer you chat rooms, forums, instant messengers and message boards.

How is the information used?

Event-based communications include order information, renewal notices, invitations, reminders, etc. Your contact information is used to send you the following:

  • Password reminder and registration confirmation
  • Special offers
  • Changes in the service policies or terms of use

Note: As soon as you register with us and receive your order, we will send you updates. As well as announcing new arrivals and special offers, we also send promotional emails.

We use your personal information to:

  • Improve personalized features on our websites to enhance your shopping experience.
  • To contact you for your account/profile-related matters or for any other reason as may be necessary.
  • To provide the services requested by you, we will deliver merchandise ordered from you.
  • To preserve social history as governed by existing law or policy.

Anonymized traffic data is used to:

  • Remembering you allows us to provide better and more personalised service, such as tracking your entries in our promotion schemes.
  • Recognize your usage privileges on our website.
  • Administer and manage the smooth functioning of our website by diagnosing problems.
  • Track your session and activities to understand better how people use our website.


Who do we share your information with?

Our agents and alliance partners are the only ones who have access to your information.


To fulfil orders and process payments for goods and services ordered from the trendzbazars.com website, we rely on our enabling partners, such as outside shipping companies, resellers, and business associates. Information related to these entities is not retained, stored, shared, or used in any other way.

Alliance Partners

To provide you with the services you request, we will share your information with our alliance partners. When trendzbazars.com owns and manages (all or some of) the online content on both of their sites, this is called a partnership.

Alliance partners and agents receive e-mail addresses. We use it to confirm deliveries, send notices, and offer services related to the service.

Without your consent, we won't rent, sell, or share your info:

  • Required by special circumstances such as compliance with subpoenas, court orders, requests/order from legal authorities or law enforcement agencies requiring such disclosure;
  • To help investigate, prevent or take action regarding unlawful and illegal activities, suspected fraud, potential threats to the safety or security of any person,
  • violations of trendzbazars.com terms of use or to defend against legal claims;
  • We have your permission;
  • To provide the products or services you've requested.

Our website has the right to share your personal information if it is required by law or if it is needed to follow a court order or legal process.

We value the security of your personal information and email address. Your information is only shared with advertisers on an aggregate basis. With secure socket layer technology (SSL), our acquiring bank encrypts sensitive information (such as credit/debit card numbers) you enter on their system or order form.

Personal information and email addresses are protected following generally accepted industry standards during transmission and after receipt. There is no 100% secure method of transmitting or storing information over the Internet or in electronic form. So, while we try to protect your personal information and email address using methods that are common in the business world, we can't promise that it will always be safe.

If you have any security concerns about our website, please contact us at immicroenterprises@gmail.com.

What choices are available to you regarding collecting, using, and distributing your information?

You can accept or decline the cookies. All customizable websites require that you accept cookies. You must also accept cookies to register for access to some of our services. For information on how to set your browser to alert you to cookies or to reject cookies, go cookiecentral.com


A cookie is a small text file stored on a user's computer for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies on this website. All personally identifiable information you provide on our website is linked to the information we store in cookies.

We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. We use session cookies to make it easier and more secure for you to navigate our website. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. The "help" file in your Internet browser will tell you how to remove persistent cookies. Cookies can be found at cookiecentral.com.

We use session cookies to store the user's secure session and browsing preferences. To save your username and interests, we set a persistent cookie. Persistent cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience on our website. If you reject cookies, you may still use our website, but your ability to use some areas of our website will be limited. Cookies are used in the shopping bag to enable enhanced security and to ensure there is no URL-based spamming.

Unless you voluntarily identify yourself (through registration, for example), we will have no way of knowing who you are, even if we assign a cookie to your computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply (for example, when you transact as a guest or add items to a shopping bag). A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive.

Some of our business partners (e.g., advertisers) set cookies while delivering banners on our website. We have no access to or control over these cookies.

This privacy statement covers cookies only by trendzbazars.com and does not cover the use of cookies by advertisers. Email address collection pages use cookies, but emails do not.

Your IP address is automatically collected by our web servers when you visit our website. (Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data, such as the web pages you view.) Your IP address does not identify you personally. We use this information to deliver our web pages, tailor our website to our customers' interests, measure traffic within our website, and tell advertisers from which countries our visitors come.

Voluntary disclosure of information

Supplying personally identifiable information is entirely voluntary. You may change your interests at any time and opt-in or opt-out of any marketing, promotional, or newsletter mailings. trendzbazars.com reserves the right to send you certain service-related communications considered part of your (website name).com account without offering you the facility to opt-out. You may update your information and change your account settings at any time.

We allow you to opt-out of having your email address used for certain purposes when we ask for this information. For example, if you purchase a product/service but do not wish to receive any additional marketing material from us, you can indicate your preferences. You can opt-out of receiving our newsletters and promotional communications by selecting your preferences in "My Account."

If your personally identifiable information or email address changes, or if you no longer wish to use our service, please contact us at immicroenterprises@gmail.com.We will remove/block your personally identifiable information from our database upon request, thereby cancelling your registration. However, your information may remain stored in our servers' archives even after the deletion or termination of your account. When we collect your personally identifiable information, we will inform you if we plan to use that information for commercial purposes, and you will have the option to opt-out.

How is information protected from loss, misuse, or alteration?

  • We use stringent security measures to protect your information from loss, misuse, and alteration.
  • Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server.

How Can You Correct Inaccuracies In The Information?

To correct or update any information you have provided, our websites allow you to do it online.

Policy Updates

We reserve the right to change or update this policy at any time by placing a prominent notice on our website. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting to this website.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here or by means of a notice on our homepage.

If we decide to change how we send emails, we'll let you know in this privacy policy, on the homepage, and anywhere else we think is appropriate. This way, you'll know what information we collect, how we use it, and when, if ever, we share it.

You can share your thoughts and ideas, if you have any, by filling out the feedback form and sending it online.

Secure Shopping

Shopping on our website is 100% safe. We use industry-standard security systems to protect your personal and payment information. For your safety, we do not store your complete credit card details or payment information in our systems; these are transmitted securely to the bank for payment processing.

trendzbazars.com is concerned about the safety and security of our customers. To ensure that our transaction process and customer information are safe, we have several technological protections in place. For enhanced security, trendzbazars.com does not store any financial information on its servers. All such information you enter is directly received by our bank's servers and then transmitted to your bank's servers.

Privacy Protection

Your personal information is protected by us. We do not share any information received from you with any third party, excluding our partners and affiliates.

Information Security

We take every precaution to keep your personal information safe. We don't store your Facebook password. We have put in place commercially viable administrative, physical, and electronic safeguards to protect all of the data we collect online to prevent security breaches and unauthorised access.

You agree that if you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we shall have the right to suspend, terminate indefinitely, or block access to your membership on trendzbazars.com.

You agree to immediately notify (website name).com of any unauthorized use/breach of your password or account.

Cookies Policy

"Cookies" or other similar devices on certain website pages are used to store user preferences and track user trends, enhance your interactive experience, and generally improve our services. You can change your cookie settings to accept or reject cookies in your browser settings. If you accept a "cookie," you hereby agree to our use of any Personal Information collected by us using that cookie.

Third-Party Links

We occasionally tie up with third parties to make certain offers, events or special schemes available or provide you with exciting features. In such instances, your personal information may be shared with such third parties and/or may become available to them or be disclosed to them; such third parties may have their own applicable privacy rules and we shall not be liable for the use or misuse of your information by such third parties. You agree that we will only share your information in a way that makes it so it can't be used or interpreted to find out who you are.

Information Sharing and Disclosures

In certain circumstances, we may share your personal information with legal entities, law enforcement agencies or government authorities if needed as per law.


The privacy policy statement is liable to be reviewed. The same will be updated online whenever we revise or modify the policy. We request that you visit our privacy policy statement frequently for any updates. Continued service use will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of the terms of the updated policy guidelines. If you do not agree with any policy changes, please stop using the application with immediate effect.