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Purpose of Cookie Usage:  

At ellitecollects, the implementation of cookies is aimed at enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of our platform. These cookies play a vital role in evaluating user interactions, laying the foundation for continuous improvements to effectively meet your requirements.  


Understanding Cookies:  

Cookies, comprising alphanumeric characters, are small data files placed on your device with your consent. They are crucial for recognizing prior visits, simplifying login processes, and retaining shopping basket preferences.  


Cookie Functionality:  

Beyond recognizing browsing patterns, these cookies significantly contribute to tailoring advertisements. This ensures that presented ads are relevant and valuable, aligning with your specific interests.  


Managing Cookie Preferences:  

Blocking cookies through browser settings may restrict access to certain features or areas of our website. Disabling cookies could impact functionalities such as logging in, registering, or completing purchases. For assistance on managing cookies or additional information, feel free to reach out. Your satisfaction and comprehension are paramount, and we are here to address any queries or concerns regarding cookies at ellitecollects.  


Possible Policy Changes:  

This policy may undergo occasional minor adjustments without direct notification. It is advisable to periodically review our policy, along with our Privacy Policy, to stay informed about any updates.